Antweight robotics

Antweight robot details

Antweights are a class of combat remote controlled robots which compete in a robot wars style event held mainly in the UK. These robot fighters are Ants because of their size and weight restrictions. These combat robots are to fit inside a 4 inch cube (101x101x101mm) and weigh no more than 150g maximum.

More information about these can be found via and

Also a google search of antweight robot shows several great robots in its image search – here



My ants:

Un-named – a wedge shaped robot with disk.



Un-named robot – a wedge with Axe made for my partner Clare. The only specifications from Clare is that is is purple.

(Image not available)


DELLapedated bANTerry

Bassed on a used DELL battery – challenged by Bristol Hackspace to make one from a battery that was donated.

d610 battery IMAG7535[1] IMAG7692 IMAG7693 IMAG7695 IMAG7696

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