so here we have some holes and engraved tracks. as you can see i nudged it accidently, however they do line up… have a look at the flickr pic to see the notes.
s i was unsure of theoriginal settings, i didnt have the drill bit down far enough to drill some holes, howeveri manually moved it down whil;st building, therefore not all are there.
tomorrow i recieve my etchant, and also 3 router bits, so i can have a play. My v shapped cutters i ordered from an ebay seller in hong kong – carbide v bits, are due t arrive soon, well a week minimum 🙁 but i hope the drill bits i have (100 (well 90 now as i snapped a few) – good thing i bought 100 for £12.50 (regrinds)) and the routers, i should be able to play and have a good try at making it make. I also want to design some nut holders to fit on the z plate, so that it doesnt play or have the change to nut go into the board when the z plate moves down, as it is currently relying on gravity as apposded to making it drill through the board.
Also i need to secure a scrap piece onto the build base (and possibly make it so that i can screw it onto the y carriage so it is secured firmer, and that i can drill al the way through the pcb without ruining or catching on the magnets in the build base.
then i will make a firmer fixing for the dremil into the z stages, as appsed to my (although working) scrap plastic sheet with 3 holes…
anyways, let me know what you think, as your input is helpful
How did you generate your gcode?