Now Robot Wars has made it to a new 2nd series, Series 9, I want to get back into the big bots…
However as I have just bought a house, I have priorities…
I have a lot of stuff that would suit a featherweight, including all parts to make a pneumatic system and drive Inc batteries. Out of this, all I am missing is a storage tank for gas, refilling valve and wheels.
I do have some gold feather 12v motors somewhere but I will use drill motors instead. I have 1 old drill at work, and I’m sure I can find another!
I have wheels from B&Q but I will probably need other tyre styles for traction.
I have scrap metal to make a frame and chassis, as well as potential access to cheap armour materials on regular trips to scrap yards so…
All I need is a £20 paintball gas tank and additional fittings, tyres, and a second drill motor.
My initial drawings have led me to build my first iteration design of my Robot Wars robot, so will look at this route with a pneumatic flipper.

Drill motor 1 from Draper 12v drill.