Afternoon on this glorious sunny day!
i thought i would start printing with my black ABS to see whgat it is like. and results are good!
Unfortunatly i have had a few flossing issues – but i will sort that out later.
The first thing i needed to do was to feed through the black abs. This would be odd as i have been using white ABS so it was interesting to see a fhite filament turn grey as it mixed with the black ABS.
The next thing to do ws to use my Darf Vader i had previously Skeinforged… sadly i had deleted it when i was sorting out my hard drive, thereofre i opened skeinforge and redid it. Sadly skeinforge seems to get stuck and freeze half way through the process, therefore i tried my already skeinforged piece – the clean whistle.
First results seem to be good except the raft came off the build base, therefore i had to abbort, but it looks good so far!
It was a good opportunity to see the ‘pea’ of the whistle up close…
Anyways i need to close down now as im going to Portsmouth for my dentist appointment tomorrow! NHS for ya! cant loose an NHS dentist! (Im currently in plymouth!)