Monthly Archives: September 2012
With new settings -bottom case, with old settings – larger top
Settings for prusa
Just on break, and worked out accurate settings to solve excess plastic going into the extruder, New settings for ex stepper was 700, New are 630 steps per mm
Pla reprap prusa issues
Trying this version of the prusa, my new red model, featuring prusa 2 parts, I am printing running slic3r 0.9.2 and am having funny print results, the parts are somewhat blobby
Not sure what is causing this, could it be I have moisture in my pla? I hope not! I don’t keep it in a box with decad stuff, but I thought it’s ok on my makerbot… Anyway, I’m having a few issues so I need to work on the settings still
However on positive note, I tried the new dual print separate print commends on slic3r, looks good!
A note, before I printed these u tried a motor housing, excess plastic in corners and odd stepping in the plastic straight lines… Hmmmmmm
Not sure about that either, any ideas?
Printing tantillus extruder gear
Pla bed belt mounts
Turns out my prusa heat bed mounted directly to the MDF board on my Y axis is heating the pla belt
mounts causing them to melt slightly ans loose grip of the belt. Major issues. Should I mount the bed on standoffs?
Quick solution… Make some from aluminum
It Lives
Welcome to my new site, hosted by an awesome chap 🙂
It will take a few days to get used to how this site works and for me to populate it, so… well no one will read this so, we shall take a look at all its functions 🙂